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Australian Commodity Research Institute

The Institute began in 2011 with a focus on providing knowledge, experience, and research on global commodity markets, as well as policy recommendations for improving market efficiency and market signal transparency, as well as the development of effective forward markets. Its main focus is on commodity research and compilation of daily and weekly commodity market reports, which examine global economic conditions and currency market movements, both from an international fundamental and technical analysis perspective.

There were three texts to base a knowledge foundation on commodity markets – Williams, J. and Schroder, W. (1999) ‘Agricultural Price Risk Management: The Principles of Commodity Trading’, Oxford University Press; Williams, J. 2012, Competition and efficiency in international food supply chains, Routledge, UK; and Williams, J. 2013, Agricultural Supply Chains and the Challenge of Price Risk, Routledge, UK. There was also a journal article which supported the theory of commodity price skewness: Williams, J. 2013, Wheat and corn price skewness and volatility: Risk management implications for farmers and end users. Australasian Agribusiness Review 21(6): 101-120. Although the research was primarily based on agricultural commodities, the results have a large application to global energy and metal commodity markets.

Dr John Williams is the executive director of the Institute and heads a commodity team with international alliances. Their background straddles a period of heavily regulated supply chains in many countries, through to deregulation and post-deregulatory supply chain issues.


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