Our Mission
Australian Commodity Research Institute
The Institute encompasses a wide range of commodity markets extending from energy, food, fibre, metals, gold, and capital markets, with several aims:
· to further the advancement and knowledge of commodity markets
· to encourage the development of commercial forward markets
· to develop warehouse markets which have carry transparency
· to increase market efficiency that provides unambiguous signals
Food and Fibre Supply Chain Institute
This ancillary specialist Institute aims to:
- improve the efficiency and competition within food and fibre supply chains
- encourage competition and efficiency through less government regulation
- develop greater flexibility in workplace relationships and agreements
- stimulate transport infrastructural investment to improve logistics
- enhance greater innovation in products and supply chains
- increase international competitiveness and new ideas
- drive export and regional trade growth
- ensure safer food products
Food and Fibre Supply Chain Institute
This Institute also commenced in 2011 as an ancillary to the Australian Commodity Research Institute. It provides consortium leadership in food and fibre supply chain projects on issues as diverse as gluten avoidance, coeliac disease, agribusiness and supply chain development, as well as international trade particularly amongst the Indian Ocean rim countries.
The Institute has a focus on team leadership, problem solving, supply chain innovation, enterprise development, export enhancement, project management, transition development, logistics optimization, and operations growth in the Asian-Pacific, Indian, and East African region, with team members in Vietnam, Mauritius, Kenya, Zambia, and Mozambique.
Dr John Williams is the Managing Director of a number of teams in the food and fibre sector, which encompass consortium organisation, planning, advisory, consultative, research, and the provision of training services, as well as the convening of conferences and summits on key issues. The various teams combine both young ideas as well as supply chain experience to produce a blend of initiative, innovative ideas, and leadership skills.
Energy – Click here
Food – Click here
Fibre – Click here
Metals – Click here
Gold – Click here
Investment – Click here